A Witty Title

Seamless View Switching Algorithm for ArcRotateCamera in Babylon.js

27 Jun 2024

I’ll describe how I derived an algorithm to switch seamlessly between perspective and orthographic views. The solution will be implemented in babylon.js.

Basics (the why)

A camera can be controlled by 3 operations - pan, zoom and orbit. These operations in arcRotateCamera are performed by changing the following properties:

  1. camera position (where the camera is at)
  2. camera target (where the camera is looking at)

More about how it works here.

Consider using only these two properties to perform the operations. Although pan and orbit changes are reflect in both the views, zoom doesn’t seem to have any effect in orthographic view (see why?)

So we need a third parameter to control zooming in ortho view - which is visible area. Instead of going back and forth, we make the camera’s viewing area larger or smaller. In babylon.js, this is done by modifying ortholeft, orthoright, orthobottom and orthotop properties.

Using this solution is fine in orthographic view, but once we try to apply it in perpective view, the edges and corners of your view may appear to bend outwards. Think of it as changing from 1x to 0.5x in your phone’s camera. To zoom out, you’d rather want to move your phone back, than switch to 0.5x zoom.

If you are adamant, in perspective view, fov is used to expand the boundaries. In ortho view, the fov is actually 0.

So now, to handle zooming, we need a function which converts ortho-values (for orthographic view) to position (for perspective view) and visa versa.

Algorithm (the how)

Ortho-values can be modified uniformly wrt length and height ratio using this function:

const ratio = canvas.height / canvas.width;
camera.orthoLeft = -width;
camera.orthoRight = width;
camera.orthoTop = camera.orthoRight * ratio;
camera.orthoBottom = camera.orthoLeft * ratio;

So, we must provide a new width everytime there are changes in camera position in perspective mode. In general:

newWidth = (dependencies) * constant

We know camera position is one of the dependencies for calculating new width. Plugging it in:

new_width = camera.position.length() * (other_dependencies) * constant

After playing around by switching camera modes, we can hit-and-try the constant. But there’s a catch - this contant depends on Babylon’s canvas width. This is the last dependency. My canvas width was 766 when I binary-searched 0.525 as the constant, so we get:

new_width = camera.position.length() * 0.525 * canvas.width / 766;

Add this conversion as an observable and we have successfully implemented seamless switching between orthographic and perspective view.

const updateOrthoValues = (camera, width) => {
    const ratio = canvas.height / canvas.width;
    camera.orthoLeft = -width;
    camera.orthoRight = width;
    camera.orthoTop = camera.orthoRight * ratio;
    camera.orthoBottom = camera.orthoLeft * ratio;
const getDist = (camera) => {
    return camera.position.length() * canvas.width * 402.15;
scene.onBeforeRenderObservable.add(() => {
    let newRadius = getDist(camera);
    if (oldRadius !== newRadius) {
        updateOrthoValues(camera, newRadius);
        oldRadius = newRadius;

View the final result here (press X to switch between the views): https://playground.babylonjs.com/#P2QHFS#1